Men's Holy Hour

Men of HNOJ are invited to come and pray on Tuesday Nights at HNOJ in the main Church. Eucharistic Adoration will be avaliable in the main Church for all (anyone may attend and pray), and men are especially invited to come and pray from 8-9 p.m.


More than ever our spouses, our children, our community, and our parish need our prayers. Everyone we love needs the very best version of us. They need our strength, our leadership, and our love. We can give these thigns in the highest degree when we men connected to Jesus Christ. There is no better way to connect to Jesus than through the Eucharist. 

Do I need to sign up?
No registration or sign up needed, just show up and pray on whatever Tuesdays work for you. Some keys to making this happen are putting it into your calendar so that you have it scheduled. Plan to meet a buddy from HNOJ. We are less likely to cancel or bail if we know someone is waiting for us. 

What is Eucharistic Adoration?
Eucharistic Adoration is putting ourselves before Jesus in the Euaristic for a time of prayer and reflection. The Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Jesus is really, truly present in the Eucharistic host. The same Jesus we meet at Mass we pray before in Adoration. The host is housed in specially display case called a monstrance. The monstrance is ornate to remind us how valuable what is contained within. The shape is meant to draw our eye to the center, to Jesus. 

How do I do it?
Most importantly, the only wrong way is to not do it. The key to praying in Eucharistic Adoration is to keep your attendtion on Jesus. For those who would like a little more instruction here are 5 quick steps to Eucharistic Adoration.

  1. Enter and when you get to where you will be sitting, genuflect in the aisle (kneel on right knee and make sign of the cross).
  2. Then enter the pew and kneel on the kneeler. Silently pray a greeting to God in your own words. 
  3. Take a period of silence to listen for God.
  4. You can continue in silence or silently pray a rosary/chaplet, read scripture, say evening prayer, prayer jouneral or engage in any other prayer form. 
  5. Conclude by kneeling again for a time of prayer. On your way out genuflect again.  

How can I learn more about this?
Check out HNOJ's Eucharistic Adoration Webpage for more information about Adoration and how we are doing this in the time of the Covid pandemic.

