
Sharing the Gifts God Has Given Us

Thank you for your faithful support which enables Holy Name of Jesus to walk with you on your journey of faith. You are a part of what makes Holy Name of Jesus such an incredible parish family and community. Your generosity is critical to day-to-day operations and programming at Holy Name of Jesus. Your financial gifts maintain our facilities, empower our ministries, and engage all who worship here as a community.


Ways You Can Give

Visit our online giving page to set up simple, automatic one-time or recurring financial donations from your checking or savings account. Your support also will help fund ministries special to HNOJ and ensure the parish flourishes within our community. You can additionally share of your time and talent by spending time in our prayer communities or through volunteer ministry.


“We all have been given special gifts, and we are called to use what we have been given in some meaningful way to serve our Heavenly Father.”
- Jim Michels, parishioner at Holy Name of Jesus