Faithful Citizenship

Responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation.

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, USCCB

Flags Citizenship In election years and beyond, our nation faces political challenges that demand urgent moral choices.

We are a nation at war, with all of its human costs; a country often divided by race and ethnicity; a nation of immigrants struggling with immigration.  We are an affluent society where too many live in poverty; part of a global community confronting terrorism and facing urgent threats to our environment; a culture built on families where some of us now question the value of marriage and family life.  We pride ourselves on supporting human rights, but we fail even to protect the fundamental right to life, especially for unborn children.

Our Bishops seek to help us form our consciences in accordance with the truth, so that we can make sound moral choices in addressing these challenges.  The Bishops do not tell us as Catholics how to vote.  This responsibility to make political choices lies with each person and his or her properly formed conscience. Learn about the importance of faithful citizenship on the USCCB's website.

One of the topics that has been discussed lately is marriage. Our role is to share the Church's teaching on marriage and address any misconceptions. You can reach more about why the Church is teaching on marriage, as well as access many blogs, articles and videos on this issue, by clicking here.