Fall Festival Golf Scramble


Save the date for next year's Golf Scramble

Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2025 at noon

Rush Creek Golf Club

Thank You for a Great Day!

This year’s HNOJ Fall Golf Scramble on Sept. 4 was an exciting event on a perfect fall day. The event had 140 golfers and raised over $20K to support the security initiative for HNOJ school. A special thank you to the sponsors below, the large turnout of golfers, and the volunteers who helped support the fine event.

Summit Financial Advisors
2nd Swing 
All American Title Company
Murry & Associates
North Risk Partners
Rock Elm
Evolving Solutions

Golf Sponsors

Golf Scramble Details

Schedule of Events:
11 a.m. Check in
12 p.m. 18 hole shotgun start
Dinner and awards to follow

Individual $275
Includes (1): golf, drink ticket, mulligan, entry into prize drawing and dinner

Foursome $1100
Includes (4): golf, drink tickets, mulligans, entry into prize drawing and dinner

Registration Includes:
Golf and cart
Skins game
Range balls

Optional Skins:
$100 per team (half paid out to winner and half goes to the school)


Hole sponsorship includes sign and name recognition at the event

  • Hole sponsor $1200
  • Hole sponsor plus foursome $2100

Click here to sponsor.

Contact Information

Matt Scherer 612-807-2155

John Melsen 952-261-7199

Rush Creek Golf Club

7801 County Road 101, Maple Grove, MN 55311

Pictures from Past Golf Scrambles

Img 8031
Img 8015
Img 8020
Img 8033
Img 8036
Img 8042
Img 8047
Img 8051
Img 8055
Img 8090
Img 8096