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Welcome Fr. Chris Yanta, July 6-7

Father Christopher YantaIn lieu of Fr. Mike’s departure at the end of June for his new assignment at Saint Rita’s, the Archbishop has announced that Fr. Chris Yanta has been assigned to Holy Name of Jesus as Parochial Vicar starting July 1. 

Fr. Chris Yanta grew up at St. Timothy Catholic Church in Maple Lake, MN. He is the third of seven children. He spent three years studying engineering at NDSU before entering seminary at St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul and then four years at St. Paul Seminary. Among other things, he likes to fish and play frisbee golf. 

We hope you can join us to welcome Fr. Yanta his first weekend at HNOJ July 6-7. We will have special hospitality after the Sunday morning Masses.

Fr. Mike's New Appointment and Farewell Celebration

Reinhardt Frmichael Cjm 2020It is bittersweet to announce Fr. Mike's upcoming departure from our parish community as he sets out on a new chapter of his journey. Archbishop Hebda has entrusted him with the role of Parochial Administrator at St. Rita Catholic Church in Cottage Grove, starting July 1.

We are immensely grateful for the countless ways Fr. Mike has blessed HNOJ with his caring, priestly service, guiding families through both joyful and challenging times. During his time here, Fr. Mike has touched many lives and left a lasting impression on our community. His legal expertise has been invaluable in advancing key projects, notably our cemetery initiative. He has also been instrumental in the area of liturgy, leading our Liturgy Commission and overseeing logistical preparations. Moreover, he has been a wonderful member of the HNOJ staff and a great rectory companion, known for his warmth, understated humor and even culinary talents! 

Although we will miss him dearly, this new assignment is a testament to Archbishop Hebda's confidence in Fr. Mike's leadership. Let us join in expressing our gratitude for 
Fr. Mike in the weeks ahead. We will have the opportunity to thank him during his final weekend at HNOJ, on June 22-23.

During this time of transition, let us pray for guidance, both for Fr. Mike as he embarks on his new role and for the priest who will follow in his footsteps at HNOJ.

Why Is the Door Locked?

In recent weeks, you may have noticed some changes around Holy Name of Jesus aimed at enhancing our security measures. Some of these measures are invisible to most parishioners and maybe even staff. Others beg the question – Why?

Despite being located in a relatively safe neighborhood, Holy Name of Jesus faced a security incident several years ago when an attempted break-in occurred at our offices. In response, we installed cameras and upgraded certain locks, leading to fewer security incidents since then. However, with reports of crime in nearby areas, our leadership has taken proactive measures to further enhance the security of our facilities for the safety of our large parish family, especially during school hours and on Faith Formation nights when children are present.

Investing in Our Safety:

Controlled Access: Card readers have been installed at various entrances, allowing us to monitor and regulate who enters our facilities.
Automated Door Schedules: By implementing automated door schedules, a consistent level of security is maintained, even when personnel may not be readily available.
Video Intercom System: The newly installed video intercom system at the main entrance serves as an added security feature, enabling individuals to be verified before having access to our facilities. Should you find yourself arriving early on weekends to for a setup or running late to pick up your child during Faith Formation nights, we kindly ask that you utilize the intercom system located at Door 1. Rest assured; someone will be available to respond to your call until 9 p.m. Your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities. 

These investments are just the beginning of HNOJ’s efforts to prioritize safety within the parish. As we continue to explore ways to enhance security, reduce risks and insurance premiums, we appreciate your help in maintaining a secure environment for all.

We understand that these changes may feel different from how things have always been done in the past. We value your feedback and encourage you to reach out to Janna Webskowski, Parish Administrator, or Jeff Ruchti, Facilities and Maintenance Manager, with any questions or concerns regarding our security measures. Together, we can work towards creating a safer and more secure environment for our entire parish community.

Communion Outreach

The Eucharist is at the core of our celebration each Mass. The sacramental signs become the Body and Blood of Jesus we receive.  At the Last Supper, sharing His Body and Blood with the disciples, Jesus said, "Do this in memory of Me" and so we do, through Holy Communion. The Eucharist not only brings us into communion with God, but with others as well.

For many, the bond of the Eucharist is felt and celebrated at Mass. But some members of the HNOJ community are not able to physically attend Mass. For this reason, HNOJ’s Communion Outreach team has dedicated volunteers who go out into the community to visit and bring the Eucharist to those who cannot get to Church due to their circumstances.

At Holy Name of Jesus it is our joy and honor to be able to provide this ministry through our Communion Outreach Team. If you or someone you know is homebound in our parish area and would like Communion brought to them, please contact the parish office at 763-745-3492.  This ministry will be led by Steve Hayes and Maureen Laird-Hayes.


Share Your Photos and Short Videos

Do you take photos while you're at HNOJ that ought to be shared? Send them to us!

We love seeing photos and video taken by parishioners. It gives us a unique perspective on what you experience. It's especially helpful to have more photos and videos to use in our marketing materials such as social media, publications, our website and more.

In particular, the Stewardship Commission would like images or short videos that show your ministry!

Please make sure that all submitted photos and videos that depict people have the person(s) permission to share with HNOJ, and that they understand that HNOJ may publish these photos and videos in upcoming marketing materials, on our website, social media channels or any other medium.

Email photos and videos to [email protected].  Please call Sarah Reid at 763-746-8194 with questions.


Spam Texts

A few parishioners have received text or email messages from people pretending to be our pastor. These messages state pretty generically that he would like your help.  When a person responds, they receive a reply requesting donations in the form of gift cards. Please know that text messages are fake and should not be responded to. Fr. Wratkowski will never text or email you for gift cards.

In all cases, we have found that the contact information was "skimmed" from our website. This is a very common practice among spammers and is seen in businesses of all types. To help reduce the possibility of emails being copied from the website, icons with links to the email are used instead. This is not effective with phone numbers as a desktop would not be able to call out.

HNOJ takes security and the confidentiality of your data very seriously.  We have multiple systems in place to help keep us all as safe as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Michelle Hudlow, Director of IT at [email protected] or 763-233-0250.