Senior Activities

Super Seniors and Soul Sisters

The Senior Committee plans monthly activities. Please check the church calendar and bulletin and join us for some fun fellowship. Contact Karen Hayes at 763-476-8921.

Senior Bible Study with Chris Kostelc Every Monday at 10 a.m.

No homework, no previous Bible study experience required. Lots of fun, inspiration and fellowship. Nearly every Monday, seniors gather for a study of the Mass readings. 


Senior Trip To St Johns Abbey Sept 2022 Seniors For Bulletin 



These links are to resources in our community.  HNOJ is not affiliated with these resources, as with any resource, you will want to do your own research.

Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging:  

Senior Linkage Line: Free service for all types of questions, such as housing, medical insurance, caregiving, transportation and more.


Upcoming Senior Events

Check out what our 55+ senior group has planned! If you have any questions about our senior events, please contact Karen Hayes. 

Lenten Parish Mission with Dr. Ed Sri
March 27, 9-11 a.m.
There will be a special two-hour session for Seniors and those who prefer to come during the day on March 27, from 9-11 a.m. Feel free to attend whichever sessions you like as our Lenten Parish Mission will be held March 26-27, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Senior Stations of the Cross
April 3, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., in the Sanctuary, led by Deacon Dennis.
Box lunches are available for $10, please sign up at the welcome desk if you’d like lunch. Box lunch options include ham and cheese, roast beef, turkey club, chicken salad, tuna or vegetarian sandwiches or wraps, along with chips, cookie and potato/pasta salad.

Cleaning the Church
April 1 and April 8, 9 a.m.-noon.
Jeff, the Facilities and Maintenance Manager, has asked if the Seniors could help clean the Sanctuary like we did five years ago. We would like to polish and shine up the Sanctuary before the Easter celebrations begin. We need both men and women to:
1. Use cleaning wipes on the pews and book racks.
2. Clean statues and windows.
3. Hymnals will be taken out to a table where women can sit and wipe them down.
Instead of going to Mary’s Place this Easter, let’s give our time and energy to HNOJ for a couple of days. WE NEED YOU ALL!! No sign up, you can just come as you are able.

Holy Triduum
April 17, 7 p.m. Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper Mass
April 18, 3 p.m. Good Friday Service. 7 p.m. Stations of the Cross
April 19, 8 p.m. Easter Vigil Mass
April 20 Easter Masses: concurrent Masses at both 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. in the church and
the Good Samaritan Center.

May 16 – Bus trip to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in New Brighton. Save the day and watch for more information.


Soul Sisters (Widowed, Divorced/Annulled or Single Women)

Soul Sisters Logo

Our group is temporarily on hold. Please look for announcements when we will begin again.

In the meantime, seniors 55+ please join us for our monthly senior activities! There are also several small group options for all ages and interests. Find a small group that's right for you at