Men's Night at HNOJ

This isn't complicated. 

Get the guys together, have beverages and food, hear a message of immense value, have a chat, and head out. 

6-6:30 Rosary in the Main Church by the Mary statue. (Optional)
6:30-7 Dinner (Emmaus ABCD)
7-7:30 Talk
7:30-8 Discussion

Guys, we are launching a new Men’s Night at HNOJ. Our focus is going to be on Prayer, Shared Meal, and True Community. 

All guys 21+ are welcome and this nights will be the kind of event you can invite any guy you know to join. 

Dates (mark your calendar now)
Oct. 24 - "What do you want to eat? - Chris Kostelc
Nov. 21 - "What do you even do at a Holy Hour?" - Paul Go
Dec. 17 - "What is it like to say Mass?" - Fr. Chris Yanta
Jan. 23 - "Humility in the face of God."  - Jack Stewart
Feb. 20 - "10 Things you missed at Mass." - Jim Martin's Small Group

March 20 - "What does it look like to be REALLY prepared for Mass?" Fr. Tim Wratkowski
April 24 - "10 Things not to do at Mass" - Chris Kostelc
May 22 -  "How to pray the Mass." - Fr. Nathan LaLiberte (YES!!!)

Cost: Free will offering

March Session Registration