Intro to Ascension School
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community and Ascension Catholic School and Parish have had a sister parish partnership for many years. Ascension, located on the North Side of Minneapolis, serves children from the neighborhoods around the school. A vast majority of the scholars qualify for free or reduced lunch, an indicator of poverty set by the federal government. Children come to Ascension behind academically. With rigorous, data-based individualized instruction, scholars grow rapidly. Many make more than one year’s growth during a school year. Ascension scholars come to recognize themselves as beloved children of God and learn essential social/emotional skills they will use throughout their lives. They go on to get their high school diplomas and to pursue post-secondary schooling.
Holy Name of Jesus parishioners give generously of their time, talent and treasure to Ascension.
How to get involved at Ascension
- Pray for our scholars, staff and community.
- Volunteer as a tutor or in another way. Download volunteer flyer.
- Learn how you can become a tuition partner.
- Attend Ascension Catholic Academy's annual golf fundraiser
For more details regarding Ascension School, visit Volunteer inquiries are welcomed by Maggie LeMay, Ascension Catholic Academy’s volunteer manager. To learn about volunteer opportunities, visit
Volunteer Spotlight at Ascension
A Conversation with a Former Ascension Scholar
Ascension Outreach Weekend, Feb. 1-2, 2025
Longtime HNOJ parishioner, Larry Deeney, is quick to describe how he feels about volunteering at Ascension Catholic School in North Minneapolis. “I love the energy that emanates from the place the moment I walk into the building,” says Deeney. “The young scholars are so vibrant and active. Sometimes it’s tough to get them to focus, but they really want to learn.”
Deeney and his wife, Cathy, have volunteered at Ascension Catholic School since 2021. He recalls returning to Ascension after being gone for a few months one winter. “I walked up the steps into the school hallway, and the scholars happened to be in the hall on a bathroom break. They screamed out ‘Mr. Deeney’ and came running over to me and gave me hugs. I felt so appreciated; it was awesome!”
Deeney describes the 30-plus year relationship between Ascension and HNOJ as symbiotic. “It helps both parish communities. True discipleship is cross-cultural. And I believe that we can grow more like Christ as we connect with people who, on the surface, appear different from us.”
Ascension Catholic School – A Beacon of Hope
Ascension Catholic School, an important presence in North Minneapolis for more than 125 years, helps move lives forward through education and spiritual formation.
Currently, 96% of the 272 scholars K-8 at Ascension Catholic School are children of color; 68% meet federal guidelines to qualify for free or reduced lunch, which is a marker for poverty; and 17% are learning to speak English as a second language. For the past several years, nearly 100% of Ascension 8th graders have received their high school diplomas in four years, with a vast majority going on to college.
Your Support is Vital to Ascension’s Success
Our partnership helps build on Ascension’s past success. In fact, 95% of Ascension’s general operating revenue is generated through sponsorships, individual donations, grant funding and second collection efforts. Roughly 4% comes from tuition and fees paid by families.
Please consider a generous contribution as we highlight our sister parish during Ascension Outreach Weekend on April 27 and 28. You can pick up a donation envelope in the church pew or go to any time to access the link to give electronically.
Volunteers Make a Difference
In addition to your financial partnership, volunteers are needed to support their scholar excellence. Many Holy Name of Jesus parishioners are past or present volunteers. Roles include classroom and office support, math tutors, reading partners and aides in after-school programs. For more information, please contact Margaret Conroy at Ascension Catholic Academy, at 763-760-3928, go to or speak with a staff member or volunteer after Masses on Feb. 1-2, 2025.