Who are the 72? Small Group Formation this Fall!

Aaron Blanco Tejedor Aocukmcxeqi UnsplashAfter this the Lord appointed seventy two others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. He said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. Go on your way!"  - Luke 10:1-3a

Who are the 72? You might be! Join other parishioners this fall in learning how small groups can strengthen friendships and community, develop our understanding of our Catholic faith and grow and deepen relationship with Jesus Christ. Keep reading to see if this new initiative from HNOJ and the Archdiocese is for you.

Join thousands in this new iniative from Archbishop Hebda. This fall HNOJ is joining parishes all over our Archdiocese in offering a seven-week course on small groups. Whether you are in a small group now or not, this small group experience will give us all a common language and vision for what small groups could be at HNOJ and for every Catholic in the Archdiocese. Our goal is have 72 HNOJ parishioners engage with this formation in preparation for starting small groups in the winter/spring of 2024.

Are you part of the 72? If you have ever wanted to grow in your faith, understand something you didn’t get about Catholics, improve your prayer life or get closer to other people at HNOJ, then this small group training in the fall is for you. If you have a tight group of friends and wish faith was a greater component of your friendship, then taking this course will help you figure out how to do that with grace and joy. If you feel like an outsider in your own parish and you want to know how to get on the inside, then taking this course will help you find your group and make HNOJ the parish you want it to be. 

Jesus Christ makes all things new! Following this course, HNOJ will be starting many new small groups in the winter/spring of 2024. We will have groups for all kinds of people - parents, singles, older folks, young adults, Holy Name School parents, Faith Formation parents, readers, video watchers, outdoorsy types, indoor types, introverts and extroverts - the idea is that everyone will have a group to call their own. To do something like this, we need you (if you are reading this, I really mean you), to say yes and register for the small group course this fall. You might be the only one who can lead the kind of small group that you want at HNOJ. If it isn’t you, then who?